Dr. Bayram Veli Salur, CFA

Management Team

Dr. Bayram Veli Salur, CFA Deputy Managing Director

He graduated from Industrial Engineering Department of Istanbul Technical University in 3.5 years with the top ranking. He completed his master’s degree at Purdue University (US), under a Fulbright scholarship with a thesis entitled “Investor Sentiment in the Stock Market”. He received his doctorate on Finance at Business Administration Department of Istanbul Technical University.

Bayram Veli Salur started his career at Investor Relations Department of Turk Telecom and moved to Derivatives Market Department of Borsa Istanbul after receiving his master’s degree. He joined Research Department of KT Portfoy in 2017. Bayram Veli Salur is experienced in macroeconomic studies, valuation and portfolio management.

Bayram Veli Salur holds Capital Market Activities Level 3 License, Derivative Instruments License, Real Estate Appraisal License, Credit Rating License and Corporate Governance Rating License, and is a CFA (Chartered Financial Analyst) Charterholder.