Advisory Committee

Mehmet ODABAŞI Member of the Advisory Board

Mehmet Odabaşı was born in 1975 in Sivas, graduated from Faculty of Theology of Marmara University in 1998, and got his master’s degree on Islamic Law at the Institute of Social Sciences of the same university in 2005. He studies a doctorate education on Islamic Law at the same university. He worked at various positions in the Advisory Board of Kuveyt Türk Katılım Bankası A.Ş. from 2004 to 2016 and was appointed a member of the Advisory Board of Kuveyt Türk Katılım Bankası A.Ş. in 2016. In addition, he is a member of the Advisory Board of both Neova Sigorta and Katılım Emeklilik. 

Odabaşı studied Arabic and Islamic science under the late Nurettin Can after enrolling in Marmara University in 1993 and was a member of the team of translators who translated Mebsut and İthafü’l-kârî Bihtisâri Fethi’l-bari by Imam Serahsi.  He translated half of the book el-Meâyîrü’ş-Şer’iyye into Turkish, published under the name Faizsiz Finans Standartları (Standards of Interest-Free Financing) in a project supported by Banking Regulation and Supervision Agency (BDDK), sponsored by Participation Banks Association of Turkey (TKBB), and managed by Istanbul Zaim University. 

Married with three children, Odabaşı continues to conduct studies on and work for interest-free banking and insurance industry.