Prof. Dr. Abdullah DURMUŞ

Advisory Committee

Prof. Dr. Abdullah DURMUŞ Member of the Advisory Board

He got his bachelor’s degree at Faculty of Theology, Marmara University, and god his master’s degree and doctorate degree at Islamic Law Department, Institute of Social Sciences, Marmara University. In the present he is a lecturer at Faculty of Theology, Istanbul University and at Islamic Economics and Finance Department, Institute of Social Sciences, Istanbul University. His studies focus on various subjects of Islamic economics and finance and of Islamic Documentation Law. He was a member of the committee which translated several books by Serahsî, el-Mebsût, el-Adevi, Muhtasar Fethu’l-Bârî li İbn Hacer el-Askalânî from the Arabic to the Turkish.


  • Fıkhî Açıdan Günümüz Para Mübadelesi İşlemleri (Istanbul, 2009)
  • İlk Dönem Hanefî Usulcülerinden Debûsî ’ye Göre Naslar Dışındaki Şer ’î Deliller (Istanbul, 2009)
  • İslam Hukuku Açısından Yatırım Fonları (Istanbul, 2016)